Renewal of F.D Account Letter/Application With Format
Renewal of F.D Account With Two Samples
Table of Contents
Renewal of F.D Account: Naturally, we keep some money in a fixed deposit for a period of time so that we can increase our money. But you have to obey the terms and conditions of a fixed deposit. When we would like to renew the maturity fixed amount, we will have to submit a request application with the necessary documents.
So I have highlighted an application format that will help you to write an informative application. Besides, you will get two samples that will give you a clear idea about the renewal F.D Account.

Write An Application To The Bank Manager For Renewal F.D Account
The Bank Manager
[Name of the bank]
[Name of the branch]
[Address of the branch]
Date: 00/00/00
Sub: [Renewal of F.D Account]
Respected sir/Madam,
With a lot of respect, I beg to state that I deposited Rs. _________ /- on [Date] for a period of [Time] years as fixed deposit repayable to me on [Date] as per term and condition. The term and condition is completed now. I would like to renew the entire deposited amount for another period of [Time] years from [Date] to [Date].
Therefore I request you to issue me a ne F.D certificate in exchange of old certificate.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
[Name of the applicant]
How To Write An Application For Renewal FD Account
The Manager
AXIS Bank of India
Rathbari Branch
Date: 00/00/00
Sub: [Renewal of F.D Account]
Respected sir/Madam,
With a lot of respect, I beg to state that I deposited Rs. 10000/- on 11/01/2015 for a period of 7 years as fixed deposit repayable to me on 11/1/2020 as per term and condition. The term and condition is completed now. I would like to renew the entire deposited amount for another period of 5 years from 01/2/2020 to 01/2/2025.
Therefore I request you to issue me a ne F.D certificate in exchange of old certificate.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Request Letter For FD Account Renewal
The Bank Manager
[Name of the bank]
[Name of the branch]
[Address of the branch]
Date: 00/00/00
Sub: [___________]
My name is ___________. I have a fixed deposit account no. [______]bearing _______ [Amount]. I would like to inform you that my fixed deposit will be matured on [date]. But I want to renew my FD at the time of maturity for ___________ years.
I have attached the FD receipt, KYC document and the other documents along with the application.
Therefore I request you to do the needful at that time.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Contact details
FAQ’s On FD Account Renewal
Can I extend my fixed deposit before maturity?
Answer: It is not possible as there is no option to extend the duration before mature FD amount.
How many times FD can be renewed?
Answer: If an investor does not claim the FD, bank can renew many times. If it happens more than two or three times, bank must try to contact with the investor.
How to write a letter to the bank manager for FD renewal?
Answer: It is very easy to write a letter to the bank manager if you have an idea about letter writing. You can take helping of a format and sample.
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