Price Rise of Petrol And Diesel Editor Letter
Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily about the price hike of petrol and diesel.
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Price Rise of Petrol And Diesel Editor Letter Sample-01

The editor
[Name of English newspaper]
[Place with pin code]
Sub:[Name of the topic]
I shall be highly obliged to you if you kindly permit me a little space to express my concern over price hike of petrol and diesel through the columns of your esteemed daily.
Our life is full of many problems. But the problem of high price of petrol and diesel is unbearable for us nowadays in our country. It creates many different types of problems.
Recently the prices of petrol and diesel have been increasing leaps and bounds. In some states, the prices have gone above even Rs. 110/- for one liter of petrol and diesel Rs.98/- per liter. Prices of all other essential commodities totally depend on the prices of petrol and diesel. As the essential commodities carried by different vehicles those vehicles are driven on fuel. Consequently, the common people are suffering the most. It directly hits the kitchen of the lower classes. The fare of busses and taxies are increasing daily. The people who travel daily for their working, it has brought their lives under serious conditions.
I hope this will draw the prompt attention of the authority to take proper step to control this harassing problem as soon as possible.
Address and date yours faithfully
[ ____________ ] [ ____________ ]
Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily expressing your deep concern over the price rise of petrol and diesel.
Price Rise of Petrol And Diesel Editor Letter Sample-02
The Editor
[Name of the English Newspaper] Date:00/00/00
[Place with pin code]
Sub: [Price rise of petrol and diesel]
Please permit me to express through the columns of your prestigious daily my grievance against price rise of petrol and diesel. Now the price of petrol and diesel is sky-bouncing in our country. Normally the prices of essential commodities are doubled due to lockdown and pandemic situation. As a result the fares of vehicles are increasing. The lower class people are facing this problem the most. They are unable to maintain their kitchen with their daily wages.
I hope that you would kindly highlight the issue in your editorial to raise public opinion against price rise of petrol and diesel so that it will draw the attention of the authority.
Thanking you
Yours truly
[ ____________ ]
Write a letter to the Editor about rising prices of petrol and diesel.
Price Rise of Petrol And Diesel Editor Letter Sample-03
The Editor
[Name of the English Newspaper] Date:00/00/00
[Place with pin code]
Sub: [Rising price of fuel]
Through your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the kind attention of all as well as the authorities concerned to rising price of fuel. The price of fuel is rapidly increasing day by day. It has made the lives of common folk complicated. The price of petrol has crossed century and diesel is about to one hundred. That is why the other essential things are beyond purchasing to the poor people. On the other hand the wage of the lower class is not increasing. Consequently they are facing many problems like fare of bus, price of LPG, price of daily used commodities and etc.
Therefore I request you to highlight this problem in your editorial columns so that the authorities may no longer remain an onlooker but try earnestly to control the problem.
Thanking you
Address yours faithfully
[ _________ ] [ ____________ ]
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